Safety & Quality

Safety is Paramount.
Our company and its senior management are committed to a health and safety program that protects the safety and well-being of staff, clients, contractors and the general public in all aspects of our business operations. Management, supervisors and employees are responsible and accountable for the company’s health and safety performance. Active participation by everyone, every day, in every job is necessary for the safety excellence the company expects. Our business operations require absolute compliance with company health and safety policies and applicable legislation. If engaged as a subcontractor or when employed by another contractor, compliance to the employing contractor’s rules and regulations will be adhered to in so far as those rules and regulations do not conflict with the company’s responsibility to comply with applicable government regulations. Our goal is to provide our staff and contractors with the knowledge and training needed to work safely in an environment free from hazards in order to achieve a healthy and injury free workforce.
All field personnel receive our Company Safety Orientation and Construction Safety Training System (CSTS) prior to working on any construction site. Certification for first aid, OSSA elevated work platform and fall protection is provided to employees and is monitored to maintain current status for workers.
Quality is Assured.
Our Quality System Manual is registered with the Alberta Boilers Safety Association and is approved for Power, Process and Building Services Piping installations on commercial, institutional and industrial projects.